Avalon Diamonds and Smart Sourcing

Smart sourcing directly from the polishing companies in India reduces costs and saves time for the jeweller or watch - or jewellery manufacturer. To this end, Avalon Diamonds provides processes for customers to find and order the diamonds they want efficiently, quickly and at a favourable price.
December 1, 2020 by
Avalon Diamonds and Smart Sourcing
de Grandi, Felice Gaetano

Smart sourcing directly from the polishing companies in India reduces costs and saves time for the jeweller or watch - or jewellery manufacturer. To this end, Avalon Diamonds provides processes for customers to find and order the diamonds they want efficiently, quickly and at a favourable price.

Avalon Diamonds therefore offers Smart Sourcing directly at the diamond polishers in India, as more than 95% of all diamonds worldwide are cut in India. The diamonds come from diamond mines all over the world. The Indian cutters buy the diamonds from the various mining companies or from rough diamond dealers. It is very relevant that the international Kimberly Protocol was observed.

The search for the desired diamonds at a reasonable price can be time-consuming if you have to call different dealers or consult different online platforms. A jeweller usually does not have that much time. Therefore he usually accepts what an individual dealer offers him from the existing stock.

This approach has several disadvantages:

Lack of market overview:

If one is only focused on one or two retailers, it is hardly possible to achieve a good purchase price. The dealers have a stock that they have to convert. Therefore they basically offer the diamonds they have to sell and not the ones the jeweller demands.

The local purchasing managers of Avalon Diamonds have direct access to the stocks of many different Indian diamond polishing companies. Thus Avalon Diamonds can easily find the right diamonds at an attractive price. This means that the jeweller is not limited to choosing from one or two stocks of his dealers.

With Avalon Diamonds, every jeweller can find the exact matching diamond at the best price on the market.

Lack of flexibility in pricing:

Most dealers keep a stock and can only offer the diamonds at higher prices than those they have paid themselves. This has the disadvantage that prices always lag behind current market prices and as diamond prices have fallen in average in recent years, dealers offer at higher prices due to their stock and storage costs.

Avalon Diamonds does not keep a stock but buys diamonds directly from the diamond polishers in India with its own purchasing team in Mumbai and Surat. Thus Avalon Diamonds always has up-to-date market prices for a very wide range of diamonds.

Tansparency and historical networks in diamonds:

Diamonds offered in Europe pass through many hands and diamond exchanges until they are offered to jewellers. The historic networks and exchanges in Antwerp, Tel Aviv, New York and Dubai play a major role in this. But in fact they make the whole process from the manufacturer/cutter to the jeweller more expensive and since the effective buyers are kept away from the manufacturers, this leads to intransparency in the market.

We at Avalon Diamonds believe that this is unnecessary, as it only results in lower prices for the hard working cutters in India and higher prices for the customers. We are therefore building a direct bridge between India and Europe, which will benefit both the jewellers and the cutters.


Smart Sourcing approach from Avalon Diamonds

Avalon Diamonds therefore buys the diamonds directly from the diamond cutters in India. With this approach, it is always possible to prove which diamond comes from which cutter and which mine it was purchased from. The Kimberley Protocol is thus not only adhered to right up to the polishing company, but the path is also clear after cutting.

Our diamond buyers know the local markets in Surat and Mumbai. For the orders of our jewellers, they will always look for the best offer directly from the cutting shops. The Indian purchasing managers of Avalon Diamonds are all diamond experts with decades of experience. They do not rely on the statements of the polisher, but can judge the diamonds themselves. They check the diamonds before each purchase and compare them with the reports of GIA, IGI and HRD. Avalon Diamonds only accepts diamonds from recognised grading agencies.

When purchasing small diamonds, each individual diamond is measured by the purchasing manager and assessed according to the required parameters.

Avalon Diamonds thus offers jewellers not only direct but also secure access to the cutting facilities in India. 

Avalon Diamonds approach and organisation enables us to keep margins low, pay fair prices to the diamond cutters and still offer our customers attractive purchase prices from a huge range of diamonds.

Avalon Diamonds can now look back on more than 15 years of cooperation with our Indian partners and offers jewellers in Switzerland, Germany, Austria and other European countries resources efficient and secure access to the largest diamond production sites in the world, India.

Give us a try:

Avalon Diamonds and Smart Sourcing
de Grandi, Felice Gaetano December 1, 2020
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